
Manpower is our most valuable hence we not only hire the best people for our security services, but also assist them to improve their knowledge and skills through proper training and development. At, RSC Security we train our guards in accordance with the PSARA guidelines (PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES REGULATION ACT, 2005). Our skilled trainers provide training which includes discipline, grooming, behavioural, and basic fire training through classroom and on-the-job training programmes.

Physical Fitness Training

Physical fitness is a must for a security guard. A security guard cannot perform his day-to-day task efficiently if he isn't physically fit. Physical training is hence necessary to improve stamina, and the overall fitness. Thus, we train the security guards to know the importance of physical fitness and motivate them to stay active and physically fit.

Physical Fitness Training
Classroom Training For Security

Classroom Training For Security

Apart from being physically fit, a security guard must also possess essential skills and abilities thus through classroom training a security personnel gains confidence to perform his task efficiently. We cover different topics including situational training and interactive sessions in a well-equipped classroom.

On The Job Training

After physical and classroom training, the on-the-job training helps to turn his knowledge into practice. Thus, we provide on-site training which includes practical training, demonstrations, and exercise in simulation.

On The Job Training
Group Discussion
Role Playing
Practical Training
Practical Training
Simulated exercise